Failure mechanism under tensile loads in CFRP 0-90º cross-ply laminates containing voids |
Lozano Pedrero, Carles
4 abril 2024 |
Forming of mechanically interlocked aluminium and carbon fibre reinforced polymer parts with complex geometry |
Latorre Lázaro, Núria
; Casellas, Daniel
; Costa i Balanzat, Josep
; Garcia-Llamas, Eduard
; Pujante, Jaume
abril 1997 |
Gas collisions and pressure quenching of the photoluminescence of silicon nanopowder grown by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition |
Roura Grabulosa, Pere
; Costa i Balanzat, Josep
; Morante i Lleonart, Joan R.
; Bertrán Serra, Enric
Gas collisions and pressure quenching of the photoluminescence of silicon nanopowder grown by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition |
Roura Grabulosa, Pere
; Costa i Balanzat, Josep
; Morante i Lleonart, Joan R.
; Bertrán Serra, Enric
20 març 2023 |
Implementation of a high-pressure resin transfer molding (HP-RTM) process to increase the production rate of structural composites and characterization of sustainable vitrimer-matrix high-performance composites |
Builes Cárdenas, Cristian
11 juliol 2016 |
Improved delamination resistance of thin-ply based laminates: an experimental and numerical study |
Guillamet Busquets, Gerard
Improved delamination resistance of thin-ply based laminates: an experimental and numerical study |
Guillamet Busquets, Gerard
juny 2015 |
Improvement of the carbon composite skin of the fuselage of an aircraft by means of optimization algorithms to define laminate stacking sequences |
GarcÃa GarcÃa, Axel
Improvement of the carbon composite skin of the fuselage of an aircraft by means of optimization algorithms to define laminate stacking sequences |
GarcÃa GarcÃa, Axel
18 juliol 2019 |
Improving compression after impact response of composite laminates through ply level hybridization with thin plies and unsymmetrical designs |
Sasikumar, Aravind
Influence of pre-bond moisture in the adherents on the fracture toughness of bonded joints for composite repairs |
Budhe, Sandip Rudha
; RodrÃguez Bellido, Ana Teresa
; Renart Canalias, Jordi
; Mayugo Majó, Joan Andreu
; Costa i Balanzat, Josep
març 2014 |
Influence of pre-bond moisture in the adherents on the fracture toughness of bonded joints for composite repairs |
Budhe, Sandip Rudha
; RodrÃguez Bellido, Ana Teresa
; Renart Canalias, Jordi
; Mayugo Majó, Joan Andreu
; Costa i Balanzat, Josep
An Interface Damage Model for the Simulation of Delamination Under Variable-Mode Ratio in Composite Materials |
Turon Travesa, Albert
; Camanho, Pedro Manuel Ponces Rodrigues de Castro
; Costa i Balanzat, Josep
; Dávila, Carlos G.
octubre 2004 |
An Interface Damage Model for the Simulation of Delamination Under Variable-Mode Ratio in Composite Materials |
Turon Travesa, Albert
; Camanho, Pedro Manuel Ponces Rodrigues de Castro
; Costa i Balanzat, Josep
; Dávila, Carlos G.
5 juny 2018 |
An Interface Damage Model for the Simulation of Delamination Under Variable-Mode Ratio in Composite Materials |
Turon Travesa, Albert
; Camanho, Pedro Manuel Ponces Rodrigues de Castro
; Costa i Balanzat, Josep
; Dávila, Carlos G.
19 juny 2023 |
A mechanical interlocking joint between sheet metal and carbon fibre reinforced polymers through punching |
Latorre Lázaro, Núria
; Casellas, Daniel
; Costa i Balanzat, Josep
Mixed-mode delamination growth in carbon-fibre composite laminates under cyclic loading |
Blanco Villaverde, Norbert
; Gamstedt, E.K.
; Asp, L.E.
; Costa i Balanzat, Josep
2004 |
Mixed-mode delamination growth in carbon-fibre composite laminates under cyclic loading |
Blanco Villaverde, Norbert
; Gamstedt, E.K.
; Asp, Leif E.
; Costa i Balanzat, Josep
On the validity of linear elastic fracture mechanics methods to measure the fracture toughness of adhesive joints |
Sarrado Molina, Carlos
; Turon Travesa, Albert
; Costa i Balanzat, Josep
; Renart Canalias, Jordi
16 març 2015 |
On the validity of linear elastic fracture mechanics methods to measure the fracture toughness of adhesive joints |
Sarrado Molina, Carlos
; Turon Travesa, Albert
; Costa i Balanzat, Josep
; Renart Canalias, Jordi
A quasi-static indentation test to elucidate the sequence of damage events in low velocity impacts on composite laminates |
Wagih, Ahmed
; Maimà Vert, Pere
; Blanco Villaverde, Norbert
; Costa i Balanzat, Josep
2016 |
A quasi-static indentation test to elucidate the sequence of damage events in low velocity impacts on composite laminates |
Wagih Abdallah Abdel Hady, Ahmed
; Maimà Vert, Pere
; Blanco Villaverde, Norbert
; Costa i Balanzat, Josep
A quick procedure to predict free-edge delamination in thin-ply laminates under tension |
Guillamet Busquets, Gerard
; Turon Travesa, Albert
; Costa i Balanzat, Josep
; Linde, Peter
desembre 2016 |
A quick procedure to predict free-edge delamination in thin-ply laminates under tension |
Guillamet Busquets, Gerard
; Turon Travesa, Albert
; Costa i Balanzat, Josep
; Linde, Peter
setembre 2017 |
Simulació de la generació de projeccions en un sistema de tomografia computacional de raigs X |
Mahouti Benaamar, Said